Period End Timetable

The Period End Timetable program is used to create and maintain accounting periods by specifying the start and end date for each period. These periods can then be used to report on monthend and close billing periods to disable additional transactions.


Period End Timetable



Add: Opens Insert New Period which allows you to add another entry to a table or create a new period line item.Closed

  1. Click Add.
  2. Select the Start Date to begin a period.
  3. Select the End Date to end a period.
  4. Verify the Days in Period and click Save.
  • The new period will be added to the timetable.


Insert: Opens an input form that allows you to insert an entry between existing entries in the grid. Closed

  1. Select the start and end date for the inserted line item.
  2. Verify the Days in Period and SaveClosed.


Generate Periods:  Opens an input which allows you to select a Start Date and an End Date and will generate all of the Periods between the dates specified. Closed

  1. Select the Start Date to begin a Monthly Period.
  2. Select the End Date to end a Monthly Period.
  3. Verify the number of Monthly Periods.
  4. Click Generate, verify period start and end dates, click Ok.
  • Monthly Periods will be added to the grid.


Delete: Permanently removes the selected period from the grid from the company database if the period is open and no transactions are posted within the period.

  1. Select an open period within the table.
  1. Click Delete.
  • The open period will be removed from the grid.
  • If the deleted period is between existing periods, the start and/or end dates will adjust based on the prior and future periods.
  • Verify the prior and future periods and modify as needed.


Close Billing Period

Closing the billing period is not mandatory to proceed to the next billing period. However, closing the billing period will prevent any sales, cash and adjustments from posting during a closed billing period and changing the accounting for that month after you have made your final journal entries.



Close Period: Click to Close Period the Current Billing Period.


Re-open Previous Period: Will change the status of the previous period from closed to open.


Monthend Process

Sales Journal

Adjustment Journal

Cash Journal